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Septic Tank Installations & Septic Contractors

When you build a new home in an area not served by public sewers you are going to have to consider installing a septic system. There are probably many septic contractors in you area, but how do you find those Septic Contractors and how do you decide which septic contractor to hire to do the job?

Where to find Septic Contractors and how to choose a Septic Contractor

If you are lucky, you may have relatives, or neighbors who can recommend a Septic Contractor or an excavation contractor since many have experience installing septic systems. When personal recommendations are not available, you have to be extra diligent. along with other local resources like the local board of health may have a list of contractors for you to consider. When trying to choose between septic contractors, be aware that if your new home has a lot with difficult soil conditions, or an unusual layout, you may need to install a more complex septic system that will cost more than your average installed septic system. The total job could cost between $4500 to $25,000 for a typical septic system install, and maybe much more for a difficult septic system installation. The more complex the septic system is, the more important it is to find the right septic contractor for the job.

What about regulations?

You should check with local and state agencies as the laws can vary greatly around the county. Make sure your septic system design is approved by the local board of health. Septic Contractors need a professional design of your septic system to know exactly what installing your septic system entails. The materials required, the location, shape, size and capacity of the septic tank should be specified on the design. Make sure the septic contractors give you a price quote for the entire project to include cost of all materials and labor.

Preparing the lot for the septic system install

The site where your septic contractor is going to install the septic system and tank needs to be accessible for the equipment the contractor will need to bring in. The Septic Contractor is going to need to get excavation equipment and large trucks into the site. Have the contractors look the site over so there are no surprises. Your lawn will recover, so be ready to sacrifice your landscaping for a while.

Hiring a septic contractor

Always ask Septic Contractors for references. Follow up on these references. Ask whether the job was done in a timely and professional manner. Also, did the septic contractor cause as little damage as possible to the surrounding site? How has the septic system operated since the installation? Has it done so properly without any problems?

Also, make sure that the septic contractors have all the proper insurance. Remember, this Septic Contractor is going to be installing a vital part of your home. You will want to make sure that you are protected in every way. Make sure the septic contractor has a valid certificate of insurance before the Septic Contractors begin their work.

When you award the contract for the work, be sure it details the cost, payment schedule, start date and an estimated completion date. Make sure a guarantee of the work is specified in the contract. Let your septic contractor get the supplies necessary to install your new septic tank and septic system. There are a number of different materials and components needed for a septic system, including the septic tank and related components like crushed stone and PVC piping. It is best for the homeowner to leave it to the professional septic contractors; after all, that is the reason you did all of the research on them beforehand. The contractor must order a large amount of material to begin the job and will probably need a substantle deposit before the work begins.

Once you have selected your Septic Contractor, you should feel confident in both the Septic Contractor themselves, and in the work they are going to perform.

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